Museum Hours:  Wednesdays & Saturdays 10-4 1(651)228-0263
Minnesota Transportation Museum

Come join In

Join our effort to keep the Roundhouse and Railroad alive and running. Your time, talent, energy and knowledge is needed. If you ever dreamed of being around is your chance!!!

People Power

Our locomotives run on either steam or diesel but our museum runs on pure manpower provided by volunteers, interns, and trade students. Check out what it takes to keep our trains moving.


Bring your spoken word as you interact with children and visitors from all around about our transportation story.

Hands On

We are looking for talent and expertise in mechanical, technical or people. We have may areas blue collar or white. Have a skill to share?

Want to Help?

Send us an email or call letting us know you would like to get involved.

We will contact you in order to bring in your talents to our organization.

Please send an email to or call us at the main office at (651) 228-0263.